April 9th, 2024 | Announcements

Parents and Students,

We have some announcements for you!

Announcement 1: Class Material

For the weeks leading up to the test, all students will be asked whether or not they would like to work on their form patterns and techniques during class. Students who need work on their patterns or techniques (everyone!) should choose to work on their forms. We grade students’ forms at the test strictly, so any opportunities students have to practice their forms in class should be taken advantage of. Students who are confident in their patterns and techniques will work on different material.

Announcement 2: Regular Class Arrival Time

Students who arrive more than 5 minutes early to the class they are attending may not enter the waiting area. Students may wait in their car or outside the waiting area. Students may only enter the waiting area when there is 5 minutes or less left before the start of the next class.

Announcement 3: No Regular Class During Testing Days

There will be NO regular class on April 18th, 19th, and 20th, due to promotion testing!

Announcement 4: (DEMO ONLY): April Training Schedule Changes

The April training schedule has been updated. The upcoming Friday practice has been extended. It is now from 8:00 - 10:00 PM. A Friday and Saturday practice have been added on 4/26 and 4/27. View the updated training schedule here HERE. The yellow dates are where changes have been made.



Final Testing List & Testing Procedures


April Promotion Test Information